Tackling Legal Contingencies

Legal contingencies are the result not only of complex and continuously changing legal systems, but most of all of increasingly complex social and business contexts.

These social and business contexts have local, regional and global elements to them and the overlapping of these elements can create unprecedented complexities and uncertainties.

In the context of a globalized society and a globalized economy, all relationships, including ´community relationships´ can be looked upon from a local, regional and global perspective.

Traditional legal practice tends to over-simplify the legal contingencies arising from these complex social contexts. Traditional legal practice is normally only ´reactive´, at best.

Ubilla & Cía. is committed to tackling the legal contingencies of our clients´ projects and undertakings, and for this purpose we take a broader approach to legal practice by (i) Looking at projects as embedded in the broader social context, locally, regionally and globally; and by (ii) Looking at projects from their ´internal perspective´, from the perspectives of the internal goals of the project, with a close understanding of the ´points of view´ of the project holders.